Sunday, March 6, 2011

Babe by: Dick King-Smith (Chapter Science Fiction)

Babe is a pig who lives at Hogget Farm, where he will be raised by Farmer Hoggett.  Once Babe arrives at the farm, he tries to be friends with all of the other animals that are on the farm.  Some of these animals include sheep dogs, sheep, and ducks.  Not only does he become friends with these animals, but he also learns as much as he can about all of them.  One of the main sheep dogs, Fly, decided to take Babe in and help him pursue his talent of sheepherding.  Babe became so good in sheepherding  that Farmer Hoggett began to enter Babe into herding competitions.  Although Babe was very talented, he felt lost in the farm because he called Fly, a sheepdog, his mother and was much different than the rest of the animals on the farm.  He eventually overcame his feelings of not belonging and was accepted by all of the animals and Farmer Hoggett.  He was a special little pig!

I would use this story in the classroom to teach them that not everyone is the same, and that you have to accept everyone for who they are no matter what.  I would have them reflect on a time when they felt like they didn't belong, and if the other people made them feel welcome or if they left them out.  This would also be a good opportunity to show a movie and have them compare the book to the movie Babe.  There are always some differences between the book and the movie, so this would be a great time to demonstrate that to the students.

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